Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hello World!

I thought for my very first post, i would share with you some Christmas spirit! Our family has a tradition of making meaningful Christmas ornaments every year.This past week we have been making  Christmas ornaments for our family Christmas tree.

Blank CD's
Scrapbook paper
Paint brush

 We found the music for the Hallelujah chorus online, and used it as a background for different phrases from the Hallelujah chorus.We then used our printer to print the words of.
       I cut out a two circles of scrapbook paper, and the music.

          Modge-Podged the scrapbook paper on. 
     Modge-Podged the music on, and then let it dry.
       Once its dry, brush the top of the CD with Modge-Podge and cover with glitter! 

   Let dry.
cut a length of ribbon, about 8in long. 
Glue the ribbon on the back of the CD.
Glue the second circle of paper to the back of the CD. 
 Modge-podge over the back of the CD and let dry!

whoooo! I'm done! Now its time to decorate my Christmas tree,and feel like I really accomplished something today!

God Bless